From "Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch of Mercury" comes with an acrylic ball chain using the design of the Gunpla package! Total four designs are available: "Miorine Rembrandt", "Sletta Mercury", "Gundam Aerial", and "Gundam Aerial (modified type)".
$ 58.27
$ 44.82
From "Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch of Mercury" comes with an acrylic ball chain using the design of the Gunpla package! Total four designs are available: "Miorine Rembrandt", "Sletta Mercury", "Gundam Aerial", and "Gundam Aerial (modified type)".
$ 74.00
$ 56.92
$ 87.04
$ 66.95
$ 79.31
$ 61.01
$ 49.99
$ 47.99
$ 47.99
$ 19.99
$ 39.00
$ 25.99
$ 54.55
$ 41.96
$ 42.00
$ 31.50
$ 82.02
$ 63.09